Tuesday, March 31, 2020

About our research paper writing company Essays

About our research paper writing company Essays About our research paper writing company Essay About our research paper writing company Essay Meet our research paper writing company. First and foremost, we would like to thank you for visiting this site. If you are looking for a custom research paper company that will never let you down, rest assured that you have found the one. We were incorporated in early 2008. Ever since our incorporation, we have been offering custom research paper writing services mainly to students from the United States, and other English speaking countries including Canada and Australia. Currently, we have a customer satisfaction rate of 90 percent. We admit that we are not perfect and that is why the satisfaction rate is not 100 percent. Many companies that appear on the market would like to get as many customers as they could. Often to get more customers they over praise themselves and this also may lead to dubious actions. People understand that nothing in this world perfect and when company represents itself only from the good side in looks very suspicious. If you want to run a business you have to be honest to yourself and when you realize your weakness it gives you a space for improvement. As we all know everything is relative and knowing you are the best or what kind of problems you actually have based on comparison of companies in specific industry. Most of all we want to satisfy our customers and leave a trail of a company with an excellent reputation and that is why we always follow our competitors to make sure we do our best. However, no matter how good you are there will always be something your competitors are better than you. Despite this gap, which we are always trying to fill, we have several qualities which we are sure you may be interested in knowing. We would like to bring to your attention the fact that we have a team of multitalented research paper writers. Our professional writers are the main investment of our company and we are very proud of the people who work in our team. We do understand that people make the positive reputation of our company so there is always kindly atmosphere between our professionals and the customers they serve. That is why our workers stay in a good mood and that helps them to provide you with the best research papers. We know, and you will agree with us, that research paper writing can be an uphill task; it is simply not a walk in the park. Despite the challenging nature of research paper, we ask you not to despair. We have our custom research paper writers who have excellent academic qualifications and expansive experience. While research paper is not an easy task we understand that it is not an amateurs business and only a true professional can provide our customers with top research paper in concise terms. We always make sure that you receive your research paper long before your deadline day so you could be confident your order will match all your demands. This is a team that you can truly rely on for your custom research paper needs. You may also want to note that we have excellent customer support service. Whether you want to order or make an enquiry, you need not worry about it. Our support team, which is made up of friendly members, will be there to assist you. You do not need to wait long hours to have an opportunity to speak to our customer support service; we have an excellent reply time all day long. Our customer support service can hear the customer and we always understand what is required from us. That conversation between support service expert and our customer is done in a kindly manner and we dont want to offend any of our customers. We understand that if you contact our customer support service you have a problem that has to be solved and it becomes a priority for us. Your paper work is literally your future and we receive your orders with all responsibility as a service provider. We are sure that if anyone would mind to rate customer services offered by custom research paper companies our company would appear top. These are just some of the benefits that you enjoy after choosing us. Trust us with your custom research paper order and you will not regret it.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Russian national Culture Essay Example

Russian national Culture Essay Example Russian national Culture Paper Russian national Culture Paper Critically analyse the academic literature on a national culture of your choice from the ones studied, described and mapped by Hofstede, and Hofstede Bond.  Using their views plus those of Trompenaars and other researchers, indicate the likely implications and potential pitfalls for an Anglo-Saxon manager working with people from this national culture.  Ã‚  The Countries chosen to examine in terms of cultural differences are Russian Federation (Russia) and United Kingdom (UK). Since management of the companies in Russia has been established during the years of Soviet era, the organizations are supervised and operated in different ways in Russia and Anglo-Saxon countries, UK in particular. Among numerous reasons, one of the major constraints is difference in national cultures. Trompenaars (Trompenaars, 1995:6) describes culture as: the way in which a group of people solves problems. Hofstede (1984: 21) expands that definition to: the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from the other. Moreover, Goodenough (in: Wardhaugh, 1993:217) adds, that: a societys culture consists of whatever it is one has to know or believe in order to operate in a manner acceptable to its members, and to do so in any role that they accept for any one of themselves. Therefore, the ability to accomplish cultural analysis enables international managers, to forecast future behaviour of the members of the company in routine situations and, as a result, eliminate potential constraints. Additionally, according to Mendenhall et al. (1995), the one of the most difficult tasks of any international manager is to motivate and lead people from cultural backgrounds different from their own. In consequence, if international managers attempt to operate and coordinate the organization too differently from cultural norms, there is a danger of being rejected by the employees, resulting in lack of motivation. On the other hand, absolute adherence towards the accepted norms could negatively impact performance of the company. Hence, the understanding of the difference of cultural values between two countries enables to identify the potential problems faced by the UK manager operating in Russian national culture. The numbers of theorists have tried to describe and analyze cultural management concepts including Geert Hofstede, Michael Bond, Charles Hampden-Turner, Fons Trompenaars, Henry Lane, Martha Maznevski and Joseph DiStefano. Hofstede (1993) believed that there is no such thing as universal method of administration or universal theory to operate organization successfully, as management could not be isolated from the events in the society. Therefore there is direct correlation of management tendencies with family, school, politics, government, science beliefs and religion. Hofstede (1993) has developed the concept of interdependence between management and national culture by set of cultural dimensions which include: Power Distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Long-term versus Short-term orientation. Power Distance Index (PDI), as stated by Hofstede (1993) refers to: Degree to which the less powerful members of organizations and institutions accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The dimension represents and suggests that a societys level of inequality is authorized by the followers as much as by the leaders. Individualism (IDV) however is described by Hofstede (1993) as: The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups. Individualist societies have loose ties among community, in contrast to collectivists, with strong bonds. Hofstede (1993) defines another dimension, Masculinity (MAS), as: Distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found as there is a significant gap between mens values and womens values. Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI) according to Hofstede (1993): Deals with a societys tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity and indicates to what extent a culture programs its members to feel either uncomfortable or comfortable in unstructured situations. Uncertainty avoiding cultures attempt to minimize the possibility of such situations by strict laws and rules. However, uncertainty accepting cultures are more tolerant of opinions different from what they are used to with as few rules. Finally, Long-Term Orientation (LTO) which has been identified with Bond (1988) refers to thrift, modernisation and perseverance versus respect for tradition and fulfilling social obligations. However, Bond and Hofstede have not analysed Russian Federation in terms of fifth dimension, therefore LTO is not relevant for the assignment. Hofstede theory has been one of the most wide spread among culture research hypothesises. Consistent with Hoecklin (1996): This framework is especially useful for understanding peoples conceptions of an organization, the mechanisms that are considered appropriate in controlling and coordinating the activities within it, and the roles and relations of its members. Therefore five dimensions structure could be used directly with many everyday management encounters in terms of culture associated complexities. Although the Hofstede Model of Cultural Dimensions could aid significantly in analysis of countrys culture, there are a few limitations to be considered. Firstly, Ess (2003) argues that: Hofstede seems to assume that culture is synonymous with national identities, thus ignoring internal ethnic, linguistic diversities and individuals. Such diversities increasingly shift and change, especially as the processes of immigration and globalization lead to new third identities that represent complex and shifting hybridizations of earlier cultural patterns. Therefore, country culture changes over time, which is not represented in the theory of Hofstede. Moreover, the nation does not equivalent to individuals of that country. Although Hofstede does represent general tendencies, not all individuals or subcultures fit into the representation provided. Consequently, five dimensions should be considered as a guideline, not proved axiom. Secondly, Hofstede (1991) recognized that: the scope of measures was restricted by the data available, which was originally collected for a different purpose. Moreover, Ess (2003) states, that: Work (Hofstede) relies on interviews with IBM employees in the 1960s and 1970s, thus raising serious questions about extending any of Hofstedes findings to national cultures. Hence, the outcome of the survey could be not only limited, but relatively irrelevant. Additionally, in group-oriented cultures, individuals could answer questions of surveys on behalf of the group belonged. Finally, Taylor (2000: p 69) suggests that: Having only five or six dimensions for the analysis of culture seems like attempting brain surgery with a bulldozer. Thus the effort to reduce the complexities of culture and ease the understanding to five or six dimensions has risk of oversimplification and stereotyping.